Thursday, April 9, 2015

5 Pinterest Trend Quotes 04/19/2015

5 Pinterest Trend Quotes 04/19/2015

We Should Love, Not Fall in Love, Because Everything That Falls, Gets Broken. ― Taylor Swift 
By: Jerome Ibuyan

Rumi Quote Art Print - Old Friends

I love the Serenity Prayer. I was so surprised to learn that there was a second stanza. Most people are only familiar with the first stanza.
By: Jerima Espinosa

quotes from alice in wonderland | Alice in Wonderland E very Adventure Requires a First Step wall quote
By: Autumn Contreras

you need to realize what you have while you have it or one day you'll wake up and it will be gone

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Evangelion By: Night Raid on

Evangelion Post By: Night Raid on




Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My 5 Pinterest Anime Trends For 4/8/2015

Chrollo | Hunter x Hunter
By: cybele albuquerque

Naruto Eye's
By: Taylor Valley

gajeel and levy -- when you're short, you make it work anyway
By: arielle aguilar

Hell, Alexander Nikolaevich "Sasha" | Seikon no Qwaser #manga
By: C'est la Vie Puga

Fairy Tail - Juvia, Erza, Levi, Lucy
By: arielle aguilar